Mr. King – Organic Liquid Growth Booster
After more than five years of research, Union Organics has successfully developed Mr. King, a revolutionary internationally patented organic liquid growth booster that is produced from highest quality plan-extract through a process of bacterial fermentation. After being tested in different geographic regions of Gujarat and across India, our technology is recommended by reputed agriculture universities. Mr. King is an all-in-one solution that is packed with 18 essential elements and plant growth hormones. It naturally enhances crop yield by up to 40% and reduces the use of other chemical fertilizers and pesticides by up to 40%.
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Mr. King’s advanced technology naturally enhances plant’s immune system, improves soil fertility, maintains soil pH level, enhances flowering, increases fruit setting and size and promotes vigorous plant growth with healthy roots and leaves. Mr. King’s Rhizobium spp. and Azotobacter spp. adds atmospheric nitrogen in the soil. Bascilius spp. present in Mr. King solubilizes the insoluble phosphates so that they are easily accessible to the plants. With carefully chosen 100% natural ingredients, Mr. King contains no additional chemicals or preservatives. Since Mr. King is available in the liquid form, it is an ideal choice for drip irrigation, drenching or foliar application.
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Recommended Crops: Useful for All crops
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Aceto King – Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
Aceto King is a liquid bio-fertilizer that adds atmospheric Nitrogen to the soil in a natural way and makes it easily accessible to plants in symbiotic manner. It works best for crops such as sugarcane, sweet potato, sorghum etc. Revolutionary bacteria of Aceto King enhance plants’ sugar level as well as Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) level. As a result, Aceto King significantly increases commercial value of the cultivated crops.
Composition: Gluconobacter diazotrophicus 1×109 (cfu/ml)Recommended Crops: Sugarcane, Sweet Potato, Sorghum
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Monas King – Biological Disease Inhibitor
Monas King is an eco-friendly biological disease inhibitor that contains Pseudomona fluorescens. Pseudomona fluorescens is highly effective on root rot and stem rots. Monas King also protects against sheath blights or leaf spots, powdery mildews, downy mildews and many other fungal diseases. Pseudomona fluorescens acts on the hyphae of plant pathogens by using enzymes and antagonism. Seed treatment with Monas King provides a protective zone around seeds.
Composition: Pseudomona fluorescens 1×109 (cfu/ml)Recommended Crops: All Crops
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Azoto King – Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
Azoto King contains Azotobacter chroococcum which adds atmospheric Nitrogen to the soil in a natural way. It contains high concentration of extremely sustainable cells which are in dormant stage. These cells proliferate immediately after being applied in field. Azoto King is capable of adding atmospheric Nitrogen in the soil at the rate of approximately 30 kg N/ha/year. It is mainly useful in monocot crops.
Composition: Azotobacter chroococcum 1×109 (cfu/ml)Recommended Crops: All cereals crop, ornamental crops and other monocots
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Azos King – Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
Azos King contains Azospirillum lipoferum which adds atmospheric Nitrogen to the soil in a natural way. It contains high concentration of extremely sustainable cells which are in dormant stage. These cells proliferate immediately after being applied in the field. Azos King is capable of adding atmospheric Nitrogen in the soil at the rate of approximately 30 kg N/ha/year. It is mainly useful in monocot crops.
Composition: Azospirillum Lipoferum 1×109 (cfu/ml)Recommended Crops: Banana, watermelon , papaya, grapes, pomegranate, all vegetables and flowers, rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, castor, potato, groundnut, tobacco, ginger, sugarcane, pearl millet (bajara), mustard, turmeric, cotton, soybean.
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Rhizo King – Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
Rhizo King contains nitrogen fixing Rhizobium spp. bacteria that are extremely beneficial for leguminous crops. Rhizobium spp. bacteria live in association with the roots of the leguminous plants in the form of root nodules. Rhizobium spp. bacteria add atmospheric Nitrogen to the soil and make it easily accessible to the plant roots. It also makes the soil fertile in a natural way. Rhizo King significantly increases overall plant health of legume crops by satisfying their additional requirement of Nitrogen.
Composition: Rhizobium spp. 1×109 (cfu/ml)Recommended Crops: All legume crops
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PSB King – Phosphorous Solubilizing Bacteria
PSB King contains millions of Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus polymyxa that are highly effective soil phosphate solubilizing microorganism. These Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) stay near the roots and make the soil phosphorus easily accessible to the plants. PSB King is capable of solubilizing Phosphorous in the soil at the rate of approximately 30-40 kg P/ha/year. Therefore, PSB King significantly increases overall crop yield.
Composition: Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus polymyxa 1×109 (cfu/ml)Recommended Crops: Wheat, maize, paddy, cotton, sugarcane, vegetables, fruit trees, ornamental herbs and shrubs, jowar, pearl millet (bajara)
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KMB King – Potassium Mobilizing Bacteria
Abundant amount of Potassium is naturally available in the soil. KMB King contains millions of dormant spores of Frateuria aurentia that work as Potash mobilizing bacteria in plants. KMB King plays a vital role in the formation of amino acids and proteins from ammonium ions which can be easily absorbed by plant roots. Potash mobilizing bacteria present in KMB King are responsible for the transfer of carbohydrates, proteins, etc. from the top of the plant to the roots. Along with improving the quality of fruits and grains,
KMB King also increases the stiffness of straws in cereals which reduces loading problem.Composition: Frateuria aurentia 1×109 (cfu/ml)Recommended Crops: All crops
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Vermi King – Vermi Compost
Vermi King is highly nutritious organic manure produced by earthworms in the form of vermicast. Earthworms feed on biological waste material and plant residues to produce an end-product of the breakdown of organic matter. This compost is an odourless, clean and organic material which contains abundant quantities of N, P, K and several micro-nutrients essential for plant growth. Vermi King is a preferred nutrient source for organic farming. It naturally enhances soil fertility by attracting deep-burrowing earthworms already present in the soil.
Recommended Crops: All crops
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Neem King – Neem Oil (Natural Antifeedant)
Neem King is a neem based botanical formulation that contains Azadirachtin as an active ingredient. Azadirachtin effectively controls over 600 species of insects. Neem King also acts as an efficient antifeedant for insects. It is a natural pesticide that is absolutely non-toxic. Neem King can also be used as insect repellent for all crops.
Recommended Crops: All crops, especially cotton, rice, tea, tomato, brinjal (eggplant), tobacco, cauliflower, bhindi (okra).
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